Become a Member
Want to join BRGA? All we need is your current guide information.
It’s of the utmost importance to the Blue Ridge Guide Association (BRGA) and its members that all guides have a current guide license, fishing license, CPR/First Aid certifications, and proof of liability insurance. Please be prepared to upload this information.
Want to be a partner of BRGA?
Partners of the BRGA are non-guide members that are welcome to attend the regular meetings held by the BRGA. Partners are important to us to keep a “non guide” perspective on our resource. Although this is a non-voting position in the BRGA, we want you to know your voice is important to us and will be heard at our meetings.
Guide Membership (Individual)
Non-Guide Partnership
Annual Partnership (Corporate)
Donors to the Blue Ridge Guide Association (BRGA) are a necessary and appreciated group of individuals, businesses, and cooperations that share a common passion for our streams, lakes, and rivers.